Superstitious much?

Daily writing prompt
Are you superstitious?

Yes! I am very superstitious, going as far as believing in spirits and ancestors!

Seeing a black cat will leave me uneasy and careful for days
I do not step foot under a ladder
While I was pregnant I did not cut my hair
I do not put my wallet on the ground
If I can avoid it, I do not go anywhere on Friday the 13th
When my palms itch – I wait for the receipt of money
If my ear burns – I am sure someone is talking about me “
I never even consider gifting my man with shoes or socks even
If someone sweeps my feet – I believe I might never get married as a result of it
When there is a storm I dont touch my phone and I cover all mirrors

So yes, I am your typical superstitious human being – mixing all the world’s superstitions, and not just those that are part of my culture.

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