All Grown Up !

A whimsical easy poem for a lazy Tuesday morning, about how time seems to just pass ever so quickly. As if you just wake up one day and find yourself all grown up and dealing with the issues of adulthood. But regardless of that fast pace – we should always find a moment to stop and reflect, appreciate the precious moments that make up our everyday because they determine the quality of our lives! #Enjoy

One day I woke up and found
That years had slipped away
I blinked and suddenly I’m grown
No longer child at play

The days they flew by swiftly
Like a river rushing on
And now I stand here wondering
Where all the time has gone

But in this moment of reflection
I realize something true
That life is not just a destination
But a journey we all pursue

Each day is a precious gift
A chance to laugh and love
To appreciate the beauty
That surrounds us from above

So I’ll cherish every moment
And hold them close to heart
For life is but a fleeting dream
And we must play our part

So let us live with gratitude
And cherish every day
For time will not wait for us
It’s up to us to seize the day.

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